Dear 16-year-old me

Dear 16-year-old me,
Hey girl, how are you doing? I should tell you that I am in a great place right now, even though it is not the one you had sketched out for me. You were such a romantic and borderline foolish, God, I can still see it in my head. It is funny how we are both the same person yet I dissociate myself from you and view you as another entity.


I can’t begin to describe how selfish you were, always looking out for yourself and worrying about your fate. It’s crazy that we don’t even live in Dubai anymore because all the while we thought we would stay there forever by marrying a certain someone with a lot of wealth. It was all that you ever wanted, to drive around in a fancy car with “him” by your side and make everyone jealous of your fabulous life. Knock some sense into yourself because he is just a boy and he will never grow into the man you want to be with. Dream big and you will reach a point in life where you find some purpose, sort of. Don’t determine your worth by latching onto another person.
 Swear all you want, love, but it is the bitter truth. One piece of advice, never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough because you are yourself and that is all that you need to know. You have a long fight ahead of you and you will have to make choices that will rip your heart out. Watch out for the faux friends and their ridiculous smiles. But I can assure you that I am still obsessed with T.V shows because no one can take that kind of crazy away from us overnight! Make mistakes, though, only then will you realise your true passion.


Yours sincerely,
23-year-old you


‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

One thought on “Dear 16-year-old me

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