#10 3WW – Goodbye, Haphazard, Memorize

Final writing prompts for Three Word Wednesday are:

Goodbye, exclamation: farewell, adieu, au revoir, ciao, adios; bye, bye-bye, so long, see you later, see you, sayonara; bon voyage; cheers; noun: parting, leave-taking, send-off.

Memorize, verb: commit to memory, remember, learn by heart, get off by heart, learn, learn by rote, become word-perfect in, get something down pat.

Haphazard, adjective: random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular, indiscriminate, chaotic, hit-and-miss, arbitrary, aimless, careless, casual, slapdash, slipshod; chance, accidental.

Three words,
for Wednesday,
three words,
to brighten my day,

Allow me, to memorise,
when I first started to write,
with three words as pillars,
to my piece – poetry or fiction,

Waiting until Wednesday,
haphazardly scribbling things,
mostly ridiculous,
some worth a second glance,

Edit, rephrase, repeat,
although not a regular
it pains me
to bid you goodbye,

Your three words,
made me bold,
speak my mind,
spurt colours of creativity,

Thom, you beautiful soul!
here’s to those three words,
hastening me to write
from the heart, every week.

Three Word Wednesday has been an epic part of my very short writing journey, I have enormously enjoyed squiggling little poems and short fictional pieces. Even though I don’t always post my work here, it definitely brought out the best of me on paper, and I will always be grateful for that. I have to hand it to Thom for bringing a bunch of exceedingly talented lot together under one banner. Getting super pumped to read their poems every week is something I am going to have to live without. By all odds, the blogging community is going to miss those three words that perk up their Wednesdays! Although I hope we create something beautiful like TWW pretty soon. Cheers.


This is the final post forThree Word Wednesday (3WW)


#9 3WW – Abandoned, Babyish, Cunning

This week’s writing prompts for Three Word Wednesday are:

Abandoned, adjective: deserted, forsaken, cast aside/off; jilted, stranded, rejected; informal dumped, ditched, unused, disused, neglected, idle; deserted, unoccupied, uninhabited, empty, uninhibited, reckless, unrestrained, wild, unbridled, impulsive, impetuous; immoderate, wanton.

Babyish, adjective: childish, immature, infantile, juvenile, puerile, adolescent.

Cunning, adjective: crafty, wily, artful, guileful, devious, sly, scheming, designing, calculating, Machiavellian; shrewd, astute, clever, canny; deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, foxy; noun: guile, craftiness, deviousness, slyness, trickery, duplicity; shrewdness, astuteness.

Fingers tugging at your hair,

seamless, needy, fragile,

the pads revelling rhythmically,

a cocoon of comfort,

abandon the night terrors,

bloody punches and purple bruises,

close your eyes,

think of me,

I am right here, darling,

focus on my fingers,

encase your babyish face,

kissed by the sun

beneath the sporadic clouds,

hear my sweet song,

lull you to sleep,

know peace, my love,

you are safe,

away from the cunning hands,

no one can hurt you now,

you are safe, with me.

This post is a part of  Three Word Wednesday (3WW)

#8 3WW -Jockey, Kindred, Lopsided

Hey guys! I have been such a lazy bum lately that I didn’t even have the decency to grace you beautiful people with a new year post. So please bear with me as I rope you all in on my new piece for 3WW. It is felt sufficient to write and hope you lovelies like it. Cheers.

This week’s writing prompts for Three Word Wednesday are:

Jockey, verb: manoeuver, ease, edge, work, steer; compete, contend, vie; struggle, fight, scramble, jostle.

Kindred, noun: family, relatives, relations, kin, kith and kin, one’s own flesh and blood; kinsfolk, kinsmen/kinswomen, people; adjective: related, allied, connected, comparable, similar, like, parallel, associated, analogous, like-minded, in sympathy, in harmony, in tune, of one mind, akin, similar, like, compatible.

Lopsided, adjective: crooked, askew, awry, off-center, uneven, out of line, asymmetrical, tilted, at an angle, aslant, slanting; off-balance, off-kilter.


Kindred minds,

shared lopsided smiles,

now jockeyed into

each other’s hearts?

This post is a part of Three Word Wednesday (3WW).



#7 3WW – Kindly, Melodramatic, Light-hearted

Luci was ushered into the examination hall to write her entrance exam. The subject was English, the one language she feared the most to even think in. It haunted her every night as the only proper sentence she knew was, “What is your name?” The invigilator was a stern old lady with a bat face and that put her off immediately. The teacher thought her reaction was melodramatic when she handed the paper to the little girl.

She blinked at the paper, twitching her ultra-sharpened pencil in her hand. Her Aunt Riva had prepared her for the exam the night before and she was an alumnus of this prestigious school Luci was trying to get in. Feeble images of the comprehension flashed through her mind, she knew what she was looking at, she just needed to reach towards it and grab the answers. She dug her nails into her thighs, nervous and flushed. She prayed that her answers were right.

Nonchalantly, she glanced at the only large window that looked over the classroom. Her aunt Riva stood on the other side and hope surged through her. She gestured to Luci to continue writing her paper. That was all the boost Luci needed, she knew what she had to do. She reread each question two to three times, the comprehension answers were within the passage itself. She was so pleased with her work that she grinned at the invigilator. “Kindly hand over your paper, young lady.” The lady said in a clipped tone.

Luci placed the answer sheets on the teacher’s desk and left the room light-heartedly.


This post is a part of Three Word Wednesday (3WW).


A radiant smile,
Hid a queasy mind,
Painstaking plans,
Set in motion,
She was going to fall,
And he would rejoice.



Thia post is a part of 3WW and Poetry 101 Rehab.