#8 3WW -Jockey, Kindred, Lopsided

Hey guys! I have been such a lazy bum lately that I didn’t even have the decency to grace you beautiful people with a new year post. So please bear with me as I rope you all in on my new piece for 3WW. It is felt sufficient to write and hope you lovelies like it. Cheers.

This week’s writing prompts for Three Word Wednesday are:

Jockey, verb: manoeuver, ease, edge, work, steer; compete, contend, vie; struggle, fight, scramble, jostle.

Kindred, noun: family, relatives, relations, kin, kith and kin, one’s own flesh and blood; kinsfolk, kinsmen/kinswomen, people; adjective: related, allied, connected, comparable, similar, like, parallel, associated, analogous, like-minded, in sympathy, in harmony, in tune, of one mind, akin, similar, like, compatible.

Lopsided, adjective: crooked, askew, awry, off-center, uneven, out of line, asymmetrical, tilted, at an angle, aslant, slanting; off-balance, off-kilter.


Kindred minds,

shared lopsided smiles,

now jockeyed into

each other’s hearts?

This post is a part of Three Word Wednesday (3WW).